Equine Headstart Bit & Bridle Fitting Consultation Information Sheet

WHY GET A BIT AND BRIDLE CHECK? - Ensuring our horses are comfortable is essential if we want them to work happily and biomechanically correctly with a light and responsive contact. There are so many issues that can arise from incorrectly fitting bits and bridles including bitless bridles; some are incredibly subtle; and some are often masked by restrictive nosebands and martingales which may reduce or control the symptoms, by preventing the mouth opening or head shaking, but they will not solve the issue. As no two horses are the same the solution needs to be personalised. Some contact /resistance issues can be related to other stresses or discomfort elsewhere in the horse’s body, it is their way of trying to communicate their discomfort. So it can be challenging! 

1. Stable Check Approx 45mins - I start all consultations seeing the horse untacked, looking at their anatomy / physique and then checking their current bridle and bit fit. 

2. New Bridle Fit Approx 1hr - After a stable check, I will measure your horse up for a new Horsemanship Saddlery Bridle (if using a bit) or the Transcend Bitless Bridle.

3. A full ridden or in hand consultation Aprox 90 mins - I start with a stable check, and then see the horse ridden or worked in hand in its current tack; before making any suggested changes to the bit and measuring up for a bridle if required.

BITS AND BRIDLES: I work with a variety of predominantly dressage legal bits and trial bridles from the Horsemanship Saddlery anatomical bridles (to use with a bit), and Transcend Bit-less Bridles.  I am not sponsored or receive commission from any brand that I recommend. At the end of a consultation, 

I will provide the info required on any recommended bits / bridle changes and where to get them.I will also give you a pamphlet on ‘How bit and bridle fitting can affect performance” which explains the initial part of the consultation that I cover.

TALKS / DEMOS - I am happy to do talks, or demos to a minimum of 10 people, to suit whatever level of knowledge and expertise that you want. The length of talk, content and how it is conducted is fully flexible and will be discussed at the time of booking. £12.50/pp for 10 people which covers my travel, and then £10 for additional people.

COACHING - Rider Confidence and Connection. My aim of this coaching (online or in person) is to simplify things and give you more confidence so that you enjoy riding your horse. Changing the bit or bridle is not the only key to unlocking a better performance from the horse and rider team.  

The rider’s relationship and confidence with the horse, will affect their connection with the horse. Most horses mirror our emotions and anxieties so their behavior is usually a reflection of us. A lot of what is taught about having a ‘contact’ is confusing and not comfortable for either horse or rider.  What we want is for both to be comfortable and happy.   

PRICES - Please see table below. Prices include travel and range depending on mileage traveled and number of horses to see at a location / locality. Ideally I like to see 3-4 horses as this makes the trip more worthwhile. If you are one person with one horse at your location and would like a booking then please give me plenty of lead time as I will try to advertise our proposed date in your locality and to see if others nearby would be interested. 

BOOKING A CONSULTATION - Once we have agreed on a date, please pay a £15 deposit / horse to confirm your booking with the remainder of the consultation fee to be paid on the day. 

PAYMENT: Can be made via BACS - (details on Informationsheet pdf)  Or I can take card payments via izettle - ( if there is mobile reception). Happy to take the balance of payment in cash on the day if you prefer. 

Please get in touch if you want a consultation or have any further questions. Thank you very much for your support. Katy