The above video, I did a wee while ago now, it is approx 30mins long and explains what I look for when i'm looking at your horses when doing a consultation.

Ensuring our horses are comfortable is essential if we want them to work happily and biomechanically correctly with a light and responsive contact. 

There are so many issues that can arise from incorrectly fitting bits and bridles including bitless bridles; some are incredibly subtle, such as a horse holding the bit still with its tongue and jaw; and some such as excessive mouthing, tongue movements, and high head and neck carriage.

We often mask our horses resistance / communication which we don't want to listen to, by restrictive nosebands and martingales which may reduce or control the symptoms, by preventing the mouth opening or head shaking, but they will not solve the underlying issue.

As no two horses are the same the solution needs to be personalised. Some contact /resistance issues can be related to other stresses or discomfort elsewhere in the horse’s body, it is their way of trying to communicate their discomfort. So it can be challenging!

In one to one consultations, I work with a variety of predominantly dressage legal bits and anatomical trial bridles.

The brands of bits that I use must be well made, ergonomic in shape, so not heavy or clunky and ideally have a variety options to have a style of mouthpiece which can have a variety of sides.

I am not sponsored or receive commission from any brand that I recommend. 

At the end of a consultation, 

I will provide the information required on any recommended bits / bridle changes and where to get them.

I will also give you a pamphlet on ‘How bit and bridle fitting can affect performance” which explains the initial part of the consultation that I cover.

For more detail on consultations and prices please look at the Consultation Information Sheet - Link Below